CrossTrainers 2.0

The passion for the men of CrossTrainers is to gather the best men in America weekly to remind one another that we are indeed men of God and need each other to spur one another on to live and finish life well. 

In 2021, Gary passed the baton of CrossTrainers leadership to the next generation: Frank Accurso and Chris Barr, in order to affirm a smooth transition for the upcoming decades. Although Gary remains the Co-Founder (with Jerry Foster) of CrossTrainers, he has stepped away from the operational administration of the ministry. He remains on the Board, a speaker at CrossTrainers, and joins each Wednesday when in Des Moines and on Zoom when out of town.

CrossTrainers is now a stand alone 501(C)3 organization as it becomes postured to minister to the men of Central Iowa to equip men in their homes, friendships, workplaces, churches and communities as men of God.  

Dr. Gary and Barb Rosberg, America’s Family Coaches, are delighted to launch CrossTrainers in this new season.

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CrossTrainers Board Members

The following gentlemen comprise the CrossTrainers Board.

Frank Accurso-Chairman of CrossTrainers Board of Directors. Channel Development of Senior Living at Oasis a Paychex® Company

Chris Barr-Secretary of CrossTrainers Board of Directors. Director of Business Relations at Communications Innovators.

Dr. Gary Rosberg-Co-Founder and CrossTrainers Board of Directors member. Gary is also the co-founder of America’s Family Coaches and The Rosberg Group with Barb Rosberg.

Jerry Foster-Co-Founder and CrossTrainers Board of Directors member. Jerry is also the Chairman of the Board of Directors for The Foster Group.

Vernon Delpesce-CrossTrainers Board of Directors member. President of Vedco Consulting, Former CEO of the YMCA of Greater Des Moines.